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Sparring Seminar in Finland 26 th- 27th of August

Dear European NGB members of ITF!

I have honor and privilege invite you to Finland to participate sparring seminar with Master Hwang Su Il, from Japan, as well know "Mr. Tekken" in August from 26 th- 27th of August

Please notice enclosed invitation

Please dont hesitate contact me if you have any questions 24/ 7.: contact info are as well in invitation too.

Yours in Taekwon-Do !

Jean Feller

Sparring Seminar in Finland 26 th- 27th of AugustSparring Seminar in Finland 26 th- 27th of August

Αθλητική Ομοσπονδία Tae Kwon Do Ελλάδος

Ρόδου 15 Πάρκο Ρόδων (Πρώην πλατεία τερψιθέας) Σταυρούπολη, Θεσσαλονίκης Τ.Κ 56430

Τηλ: 2310672006

Γενική Γραμματεία Αθλητισμού: 3716 Ημερ. Αθλητικής Αναγνώρισης: 01/04/1999

Επικοινωνία για θέματα GDPR: [email protected]